Blog: Wiki So Far

I have been doing research on the areas that interest me in our class wiki. Some of the pages I have edited so far includes, MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), Gaming and Ethics. I found these pages very interesting to me because I felt as if I had some background knowledge in these pages already. For the MMORPG page, I edited a section about a game called, "Maplestory". Maplestory was one of the most popular games back in the early 2000s where users would be able to connect and communicate with people around the world or country. I would consider Maplestory a huge stepping stone into the New Media we have today in regards to communicating with people in virtual fantasy gaming worlds. For the gaming page, I had added more information about the game called, "League of Legends". League of Legends has been one of the most played successful MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game for a decade and ongoing. It has been so popular that it is being played competitively around the world since it's release and many people consider it as E-sports. I felt interested in adding on to the Ethics page because I've recently took a course about Computer Ethics last semester which caught my interest when I saw that we had a section about Ethics in our class wiki.  I plan on doing additional research to add onto these pages and potentially finding more pages I would like to work on.


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