Blog Social networking

New media has a huge impact on social networking and there are a lot of benefits from social networking. Social networking allows for people to communicate efficiently. In less than one second, anyone is able to receive or send a message to one another. Anyone in society, whether business related or not, are able to connect to people all over the world through social media technologies such as Facebook. According to an article from in 2013, it states that Facebook is, " The world's largest online social network, with more than one billion users." In addition to this, Facebooks stock price was only 30 dollars. As time passed by, social media and social networking continued to rapidly grow. In current day, Facebook is still the most used social media website with a stock price of over 190 dollars. You can view messages, photos, videos and even have a live video chat with almost anyone that is far from you in less than one second by using technologies li...